“Thank Goodness For Party Crashers!”

Yesterday was a day to fill a martini glass with tears, and I did. The day began as badly asmartini glass 1 it ended, and it turned into a day filled with nothing but “one thing after another” in between. And do you know what kind of day that becomes? A “pity party.” 

Sometimes we’re the ones who are responsible for the “pity party,” and oftentimes, it’s someone else who takes us to a party that we didn’t want to go to in the first place.

I don’t like days like that but I’ve learned that we all need to have them every so often. They teach us a truth about someone or something, they make us look inward at ourselves to see what part we played in the party, and they happen to remind us to be grateful for all the other days that are good. 

Sometimes all you need to get you out of the party is a couple of party crashers. They’re party crashersthe ones that will come in, make you laugh, and take you home. I’m thankful for my two youngest who crashed my party yesterday, made me laugh, and took me home.

My “pity party “ of yesterday is over and hopefully there’s not another invitation for one coming to me anytime soon.

And I hope that there aren’t any coming for you.

Just remember that if you do go, be sure to leave the door open for the “party crashers” to come in and take you home.

It’s a good thing. 

Wishing you love and light,

~Anne Dennish~

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“You’re Invited To My Women’s Writing Workshop” in Italy!

I’m excited and grateful for the opportunity to conduct a “Women’s Writing Workshop” in beautiful Emilia-Romagna, Italy, this summer and I’d like to invite you to attend! 

It will be an amazing week filled with learning, teaching, inspiration and motivation to help writers become published authors and the perfect chance to enjoy and marvel at the wonders and beauty of Emilia-Romagna. I’m hoping that you will join me for one or both of the weeks being offered.

Take a look at the flyer and feel free to call for more information and to sign up.

Meet me in Italy this August and let’s embrace “each breath along the journey” together!

It’s a good thing.

Wishing you love and light,

~Anne Dennish~




“The Gratitude List”

Everyday is a day to be grateful and today I wanted to share my gratitude list with you.

  • I’m grateful that I woke up to another day to live my best life.sunday
  • I’m grateful for the beautiful early morning sky in Virginia.
  • I’m grateful that with each day my sister is healing more and more from her surgery.
  • I’m grateful for my first cup of coffee with a different view.
  • I’m grateful that the ice is gone and the temperature is much warmer.
  • I’m grateful that my sister and I hung out on the couches last night watching movies.
  • I’m grateful for doors that have opened up for me.
  • I’m grateful for my loved ones back home and for all of you who support me.

It doesn’t matter where you are or what you’re doing. What matters is that there is always something to be grateful for. Life is what you make it, so make it amazing and be grateful for each day you have. 

What are you grateful for today? Let me know!

And be grateful for “each breath along the journey.”

It’s a good thing.

Wishing you love and light,

~Anne Dennish~

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“Do It A Lot More!”

The New Year of 2020 has begun and there’s a whole year ahead of us. Let’s live this year and every day in it with “a little more” of all good things.

Let’s be more loving, kind, compassionate, empathetic and respect.

Let’s take all those good things and do them a little more.

In fact, let’s do them “a lot more!”

It’s a good thing.

Wishing you love and light,

~Anne Dennish~

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“New Year, New You” Event at Brielle Public Library

I’m so grateful to Brielle Public Library for hosting my “New Year, New You” event this past Saturday and to all the people who attended. The afternoon was one of family, friends, and strangers that became friends by the end of the event. I read excerpts from brielle library 14my new book, “Each Breath Along The Journey” and answered questions. It was an afternoon of motivation and inspiration for all of us.

I think I’m most grateful for this group of people that opened up and shared their own stories with everyone. The event was one I had hoped for: an interactive, up close and personal discussion to help inspire and motivate those that attended. I was most humbled by all the positive comments I received from all who attended and it was confirmation to me that this is what I’m meant to be doing on this journey of my life.

It was my goal to inspire this group of people, yet what they need to know is that they inspired and motivated me to keep writing and speaking to those who need someone to understand and listen, to make them feel less alone, and for those who just need a voice to spread positive vibes their way.brielle library 13

Thank you to all of those who attended “New Year, New You” this weekend. I am forever grateful that you took the time to spend the afternoon with me. It was a beautiful thing for me to watch as so many of you connected with one another.

I believe that this is the year of like-minded people coming together with kindness and support for each other. Imagine what we can do “together!”

It’s a good thing.

Wishing you love and light,

~Anne Dennish~