“Help… I Need Somebody!”

In the midst of barbeques and time spent with friends this past weekend, my love and I were able to find some down time to watch movies from the comfort of our serenity cave. One movie in particular stuck with me: “28 Days” with Sandra Bullock, who plays a writer that had to go to rehab. The theme of the story wasn’t what intrigued me; it was the messages throughout the movie. One in particular stood out to me. Her character, Gwen, had broken the rules, to which her therapist made her wear a sign around her neck that said: “Confront me if I don’t ask for help.” As usual, it got me to thinking and wondering:

How often do WE ask others for help?28days

Most of us, including myself, will answer: not very often. The answer should be: not enough! I realized as I watched this movie that rehab isn’t just for addictions; it’s for changing a life that wasn’t working and learning how to speak your own truth, and be comfortable with it. And isn’t that how life should be for all of us?

I’m willing to help anyone and everyone, as are most of the people in my circle. I feel good helping someone else, no matter what help is needed. Yet when we need help with something, we don’t ask. We don’t want to burden another, or worse yet, we don’t want to believe we need the help. In society today we seem to be so programmed to believe that “we can do it all with no help from anyone!” It’s as if we’re trained to believe that this is what makes us strong and self-sufficient. That’s all well and good, yet when we don’t ask for help we become tired, run-down, emotionally spent, and worse yet, we get sick.

The flip side of this is that while we feel like a wonderful human being by helping someone else who asks for help, we don’t ask them and don’t allow them the rights to the same good feelings we get by helping out. It’s kind of ironic, isn’t it? Then again, maybe it’s selfish on our part. Why do we want to feel good yet not allow someone else the same right? A little “food for thought” here!

I’m guilty of this and it’s something I’m working on changing. I’ve spent a lifetime doing everything myself, rarely asking for help when I knew deep down inside I needed it. I didn’t like appearing weak, or needy. When someone asked me for a favor, I jumped at the chance, whether I had the time or not.It didn’t matter that I was exhausted, or had to change my schedule to help them, I just did it. I’m not saying that’s wrong, but I am saying that it’s okay to say “no” sometimes. We need to take care of ourselves first in order to truly help someone else.

Every day I work on saying “no” if  it’s not for my Highest Good, and am trying hard to ask for help when I need it. I’m willing to allow someone else the chance to feel needed, to help a friend out and know that they made a difference in my day and in my life. My mantra for my book, “Waking Up” is: “It’s time to make a difference, and we can make a difference together.” Well, that is yet another “waking up” moment in my life: to admit that I’m not weak if I need help, that in fact, asking for help shows a sign of strength; that my “making a difference” in life and the world also includes allowing other’s to be part of that journey with me; and more importantly, that I’m a work in progress, learning more about myself every day on this journey of life, and that’s okay.

The Universe throws so many “signs” at us, and we’ll see them if we just pay attention. Watching an old movie brought to light many signs I had been missing, and asking for help was just one of them. Owning “our truth” isn’t always easy, especially if it involves a quality in ourselves that we don’t care for, yet when you own your “truth,” you own your right to change it. It’s your lesson to learn, and your choice on how to handle it.

Today I work on asking for help if I need it, whether it’s simply a much needed phone call with a friend, or a strong arm to hold me at the end of the day. Today I incorporate the “Serenity Prayer” in my lifeand know that I been gifted ” the courage to change the things I can,” and asking for help, finding my balance in this crazy world, and loving myself are all things I can change for my Highest Good.serenity

“Confront me if I don’t ask for help.”

Remember that as you go throughout your day and each day to come; let someone else feel the peace and joy you feel by helping them, because in the end:

“It’s time to make a difference, and we can make a difference together.”

And today I’m remembering that!

Wishing you love and light,

~Anne Dennish~

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“What’s Your Agenda?”

Good morning! What a weekend it was! My mind is still trying to process a dream coming true at Barnes and Noble this past Saturday… yet, there’s no rest for the weary and it’s time to keep moving forward. With that said… I have a question for all of you:

Do you have an agenda in life?

I’ve had this discussion with several people this week, so I’m assuming that the Universe is asking me to write about it! So, here goes:

Throughout the years I’ve heard men say that women all have an “agenda,” and I believe women feel the same about men. In fact, someone made that statement to me years ago, and as he lumped me in with all women in the world, I thought about it. Within seconds I answered him: “Yes, you’re right. All women do have an agenda, and mine is to be happy.” That stopped him right in his tracks, yet it didn’t stop me.

I’m curious about people and their stories, and about their “agenda” in life. I’ve come to realize that a positive agenda which is based solely on your purpose in life and your Highest Good is the agenda to have; this agenda involves you and you alone. Other’s will help it along, but the agenda you have is up to you.

Then there is the other type of agenda: the one that is self-serving and involves a manipulative or controlling behavior that involves someone else. I find that the people with this type of agenda are not living the life they want; they’re not as happy as they’d like to be, and they tend to want what others have. They tend to be martyrs; people that know they have a choice to change their life and their thinking, yet are too fearful to do so. They tend to control other’s lives because they can’t control their own.

And they’re not all bad people; they’re sad people who sometimes get so lost in their own tearsdespair that they have an agenda with those that are NOT lost, those that ARE happy, and those that ARE in control. Most times they don’t even realize what they’re doing, and that’s where we need to pay attention to our Highest Good to know what they’re doing and not allow it. It’s never selfish to do what’s best for you!

We can’t fix another human being; we can only fix ourselves. We can love them and stand by them, yet if they are unable to change, it’s okay to wish them love and light and walk away. Keep them in your thoughts, remember them in your prayers, but if their “agenda” is hurting you, then it’s time to love yourself more… and that is an “agenda” worth having: “to be happy.”

One more time: what is your agenda in life?

Wishing you love and light,

~Anne Dennish~


“Four Like-Minded People”

“The Universe is watching, that’s what brought me here.”

It’s amazing how one dream can multiply into many more, yet that’s what happened. The dream of writing a book to make a difference in someone’s life turned into much more; it turned into a collaboration of music as well.bn new poster

That’s why I believe that when you leave fear behind, believe in yourself and have faith, the Universe will bless you with more gifts than you could imagine…and unexpected ones at that!

This morning I sit thinking about last night. I met with Sutton Thomas, his wife, Lisa, and my love to discuss our upcoming Barnes & Noble event for this Saturday. We talked about fourthe line-up of songs that Sutton would sing, and what excerpts I would be reading from my book.

Yet as the evening of planning progressed, it became much more than the agenda for the event. I became aware of this amazing gift I was given, that we all were given last night: we were given the gift of four “like-minded” people sitting together around a table, and our thoughts were all the same: How do we reach people on Saturday? How do we get our message of hope and belief across to them? How do we let them know that we care, that we’ve been through similar experiences that they have, and more importantly, how to we let them know that they’re not alone, that we’re all in this journey of life together?

It was a powerful evening for me, and one which I woke up thinking about. And I’m grateful for “four like-minded” people who understand one another. It’s that gift that we all believe will make a difference to someone else, and ultimately, that is our goal: to soothe a soul, heal a heart, and let someone know that we understand.

As the lyrics in our song, “What Now” say: “I know where I’ve been, not where I’m going, but I’m dancing along.”

Open yourself up to the Universe, let your soul soar, leave the fear behind… take a leap of faith in yourself and what the Universe can bring to you… and dance along!

Wishing you love and light,

~Anne Dennish~



“Dreams Come True…The Interview of Dennish & Thomas With The Coast Star”

“Sometimes life takes an unexpected turn,sending us on the journey of a lifetime. We may not end up where we dreamed, but we will always end up where we belong.”

~Anne Dennish~

I wrote that quote years ago, and it’s still one of my favorite’s.

The funny thing is that we all have dreams, and while some may not come true, we do end up where we belong, and that’s in another dream we never thought possible or saw coming!

That’s my life now. I’m doing things I dreamed of, yet the Universe is handing me dreams I hadn’t imagined; but here I am, in this incredible journey! I sit in more gratitude than I can imagine, and have blessings beyond what my mind can even believe at times…but it’s all true, it’s all here, and it’s all happening!

Last night was incredible as Sutton Thomas and I were interviewed by The Coast Star! We had a blast doing our interviews, and the night brought another new chapter to our

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My interview with The Coast Star


lives…one of friendship, love, and incredible music! As we all sat talking together we realized how connected we all are, and that we were all brought together for a reason! The Universe definitely has a plan, and all of us are excited to see where this new adventure takes us all!

Here’s a few of the pictures that Sutton’s wife, Lisa, took of us during the interview last night! Much thanks to her for taking them!

Enjoy your journey, my friends, and have faith that everything is happening as it should, when it should, and how it should.

Wishing you love and light,

~Anne Dennish~

me and tom

Anne Dennish & Sutton Thomas interview with The Coast Star

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Dreams come true!

“Rock The World”

“The world doesn’t owe you, you owe the world. If you put out all your best into the world, good things will come back to you. After all, the world doesn’t revolve around you, you revolve around the world.”

There are those that believe that that’s a simple way to think, that it’s not true. Yet it is true. I know it for fact.

I know a few people that walk around with a chip on their shoulder, always complaining that they never have enough or that they didn’t get what they want. They wonder why no one is helping them or giving them what they need. They are the martyrs of the world, the ones who, literally, have a boulder on their shoulder.

I almost feel badly for them, because they have no clue as to why life isn’t treating them the way they want; it’s because THEY are not treating their life the way they should. They expect others’ to fix it for them, yet they sit in ignorance and denial that they are the reason for their life not being what they want.

YOU ARE IN CONTROL of your life, your emotions, your boundaries, what you will allow, what you will accept and of what you want!

Repeat that until you believe it.

Sometimes it’s just easier to blame someone else. None of us want to admit that we caused our problems or emotions that are hurtful, but the truth is, we did.

Most of us don’t understand that we have 100% control of our life, of our mind, of our heart. It’s almost scary to think that we can change our life and our thinking to attain our goals, to fulfill our dreams, but we can! And we shouldn’t be scared. We should feel grateful for the gift of choice, the gift of free will, the give of control!

Take control today; don’t look at the world as the place that owes you what you think you deserve. You owe yourself what you believe you deserve, and you have the power to have it all…it’s all in your hands.

Every new day is a chance to make a choice which is for your Highest Good!

Every new day is a chance to do it better than the day before!

Every new day is a gift just for you.

Wishing you love and light,

~Anne Dennish~


First Stop on the “Waking Up Tour 2016” at Barnes and Noble!

I’m am so excited to announce that Sutton Thomas and I will be making our first public appearance together on Saturday, May 21, from 1-4 pm at the Barnes and Noble located in Monmouth Mall, in Eatontown, NJ!


“My dream come true!”

I will be speaking about my new book, “Waking Up: Lessons Learned Through My Adventures with Life and Breast Cancer,” and Sutton Thomas will be performing the songs we’ve created together LIVE in the store! Our collaboration of songs that coincide with the book will be released in early summer of 2016.

Sutton Thomas and I believe that this is an incredible opportunity for us to go out in the world with stories and music to make a difference in someone’s life: to soothe a soul, heal a heart, bring new perspective to someone who may need it, and to let everyone know that they’re not alone on this journey of life.

It’s time to make a difference, and we can make that difference TOGETHER! Your support makes a difference and will help our success in getting our messages of hope, faith, love and inspiration out into the world!

Please share our event out and more importantly, stop by Barnes and Noble to meet Sutton Thomas and me! We can promise you it will be an afternoon to remember, one filled love, laughter and incredible music!

We will be forever grateful to you for your support! Let the “Waking Up Tour of 2016” begin! It’s time to make a difference!

“Let’s all make a difference together!”

With love and gratitude,

~Anne Dennish & Sutton Thomas~


“Just Believe”

Do you believe that all things are possible? Do you believe that with faith in yourself that the dreams you want can turn into something you never imagined? Something bigger than you had thought?

I do…and I’m living proof of it!

I’ll be posting some exciting news later today, and it’s something that came out of the blue, was unexpected, and something so awesome that I have to pinch myself to believe it to be true.

Yet, after the pinch, I remind myself that when your life is in balance, when you surround yourself with positive people, when you love yourself as you want to be loved, and most importantly, when you BELIEVE in yourself and your dreams, miracles happen! Opportunities come along, adventures begin, and love grows even stronger!


My life isn’t perfect, yet it’s perfect for me… and that’s what counts. What I believe, how I love, and how I live are the key to my success, my happiness, and my ability to connect with the right people.

Accept the gifts of the Universe, because it’s always watching, always listening, always paying attention; and when it knows we believe in ourselves and that we’re living in a life that’s for our highest good, it steps in and gifts us some amazing adventures!

That’s the truth, and I know that with all my heart. It took me many years, a multitude of lessons, and some incredible spiritual teachers to get me here, but I sit in gratitude for this life and the direction in which it’s going.

I sit in awe, in gratitude and love for this adventure I’ve been blessed to be given.

Dream big, my friends, and go out and make it happen!

“Just believe, just have faith, everything else will fall into place.”

I know you can do it, because I believe in you… now go out and believe in yourself!

Wishing you love and light,

~Anne Dennish~


“See You On The Other Side”

I said good-bye to a dear friend last night. His passing came as a shock to all who knew him, yet while sitting at his memorial service last night, I couldn’t help but think of all he taught me…taught all of us. And last night he was still getting his message across, as only he could do.

Charlie was a man that lived larger than life, and embraced every day of his life as a gift. He never liked to sweat the small stuff, and believed that the good always surpassed the bad. I can remember talking to him on the phone about a situation I was going through. He listened, he offered support, and then he said, “Ok, enough of all that. Tell me all the good stuff that happened today.”

That’s who he was, and that’s who he still is.

There were tears shed last night as his family shared beautiful memories of him, yet the laughter and smiles were much more prominent than the tears. As each story was told and each memory shared, those of us that knew him smiled at remembering our own memories, and laughed with each funny story told about him, because we knew them to be true!

Charlie and I had many conversations about love and life, and our spiritual beliefs. And last night he had the last word with all of us as we paid our final respects…yet then again, death isn’t final. It’s another journey for a soul to take, and while he left too soon, he left peacefully. He did what most can’t do: he left a legacy, he left a lesson, and he left a lot of love.

His passing was a “waking up” moment for all of us to realize how precious life is and that there is no day planner to tell us when our last breath will be taken. And Charlie knew that.

His gift to all that knew him was to love long and hard, cherish those that you love, and laugh every single day of your life. I believe that his gift to all that knew him is something that we can give to others, and that’s who he was…and is. And that is what he would have wanted.

I know that last night he was sitting up in the Universe with a drink in hand, smiling down on all of us, and having a good laugh at all the memories being shared! As for me, I could hear him telling me, as he had so many times throughout the years:  “Yeah, life can stink sometimes, but why worry about it? You do the best you can, you love the best you can, and you live the best you can. You can’t ask for more than that. So be grateful everyday and know that you’re blessed.”

Thank you for being my friend, Charlie, and no worries… you did get the last word in, as always, and you’ve left us with your legacy to share with all those we know.

My message for all of you today is simple:

“Live life to the fullest, love big, and laugh as hard as you can!”

It worked for Charlie, and it’s working for me. Give it a try!

Wishing you extra love and light today,

~Anne Dennish~


Rest in peace, my dear friend!

“Mother’s Day”

When I think of Mother’s Day, I don’t think of it as a day for me to be honored or celebrated… I think of it as a day to thank my children for coming into my life and allowing me to be a mother. 373875_197902680304731_100002550010781_399695_369887769_n (1)

Five beautiful souls passed through me  and into this life we share together. Five sweet babies picked a day of their own to begin their life. And with each new life, my life changed.

My first child was born on Mother’s Day, and to say that my life changed that day is an understatement! That day changed me from being “just me” to becoming a mother, a role that was both exciting and terrifying.DSCN2070

There’s a story in my new book called “A Letter To My Children” and in it I described the  moment they were born:

“Life changed from the exact moment that you took your first breath, and with that breath, I held mine. I held my breath out of excitement of a new baby  placed in my arms, and out of fear as to all the responsibilities that were now a part of my life, from that day forward. “

I think we’re always holding our breath a little, hoping that we raise them right, praying that they’ll be safe, having faith that they’ll make the right choices. My children are older now, and three of my five babies have moved out of the nest, and two moved across the country.

Do I hold my breath more? Sometimes, yet my heart knows that I’ve taught them all I could, shared my experiences with them, and was the best mom I knew how to be.And you know what? The breathing is easier and the love remains the same. Now the breathing is one of excitement in waiting for the call from them to hear about their life and the new and exciting things they want to share with me.

Today I sit with a smile and contentment over being a mother, a role that I was blessed to Ruthless Peoplebe gifted. There are no perfect mothers and there are no perfect children, yet what we are is “perfect together” and mother and child. After all…

“It’s not their job to love us; it’s our job to love them.”

And I would say that knowing they do love us is perfection in itself!

Happy Mother’s Day!

With love,

~Anne Dennish~


“My crazy tribe…but they’re all mine!”

“Anne Dennish & Sutton Thomas”



Sutton Thomas

Sutton Thomas and I have joined creative forces to produce a compilation of songs that coincide with the stories in my book, “Waking Up: Lessons Learned Through My Adventures with Life and Breast Cancer.”

We spent a few hours yesterday working together on some new songs, and it’s a match made in heaven as I write the lyrics and Sutton Thomas writes the music! He’s one of the most creative and amazing musicians I’ve met, and I’m grateful that the Universe conspired for us to meet and work together. It’s such an amazing feeling to work together with another creative soul such as him.


Working on our latest song!

Our CD is a beautiful work in progress, and will be released sometime in the summer of 2016! We will keep you posted when this final work of inspirational and uplifting songs is available to you!


I am so grateful for this  journey I’m on. Every day something wonderful falls into my life, bringing people and opportunities that I never saw as possible. My life truly is an adventure, and I’m embracing every moment of it!

I believe all things happen just as they should, when they should, and how they should. The secret is to keep the faith, believe it to be true, and put out into the Universe all that you want to come back to you. Positive thinking brings some amazing adventures!

In the meantime, check out Sutton Thomas at www.heart2song.com and get to know more about the creative genius of this amazing musician. You can also find him on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Sutton-Thomas-Music!

It’s time to make a difference, and we can make that difference together!

Dream big and make it happen! You can do it, I know that you can!

anne dennish and sutton thomas

The creative forces of Anne Dennish & Sutton Thomas meet!


Wishing you love and light,

~Anne Dennish~