“Do Life Happy!”

“Do life happy.”

Happiness is one of the best emotions in the world and in the last few days I’ve been on Cloud Nine, and I have to say, all this happiness is making me tired but I’m sleeping better than I ever have before. I find myself dancing in the kitchen while I’m cooking and cleaning, I’m singing out loud to the song on the radio while I’m driving and I’m smiling and laughing like never before. It’s so much more than happiness, I’m feeling “joy.” And I’m “doing life happy!”

So how am I doing it?

On January 1st, 2019, I made a decision to work on learning to let things go. I’ve always tried to do this but this year I am making a conscience effort to stay out of situations that aren’t my problem and truly let it go. There’s been moments I want to get involved to help, but now I remind myself that it’s not my problem, it’s someone else’s and truth be told, if I fix their problem they’ll never be able to learn the lesson they were supposed to.

I’ll always be there for anyone who needs me, whether it’s my advice, my shoulder to cry on or simply my ear to listen, yet I’m understanding more than ever that all of that is as is should be; fixing the problem for them isn’t as it should be.

We all have life lessons to learn, be it your children, family, friends or significant other, and when we interfere with their free will to handle their situation in their own way we’ve taken away their right to learn from it. We’ve allowed the negativity and toxicity of their situation to affect us as well. And that won’t serve anyone well.

Life would be so much easier if someone else fixed our problems, healed our hearts, and told us what to do to live a happy life, yet that’s not how life works, nor should it. We need to learn how to fix our problems, how to heal our hearts, and learn to know what we need to do (or not do) to be happy. We need to learn our life lessons so that we can live the best and happiest life possible.

We all have a choice to be happy or not, to face our demons and problems or not, and to learn from them…or not. I’m a person who decided to make those choices for my Highest Good. I decided to learn how to be happy; I decided to face those demons along the journey of my life; and I decided that all things happen for a reason and that I would take those lessons and learn from them. And the bottom line is this: we all need to learn to love ourselves and truly believe that we deserve all good things.

I’m here for anyone who needs me. If you need my shoulder to cry on, you got it. If you need an ear to tell your problems to, I’m listening. If you need to know how I handled my difficult situations in life and how I got through them, I’ll tell you. And if you just need to know you’re not alone, I’ll tell you that you’re not…because I’m here to love you through it and be there for you.

I’m still the same person I’ve always been and still working on growing into the best sense of self I can possibly be, and in order to do that I’ve learned that I  have to learn to let things go.

And it’s a good thing.

Wishing you love and light,

~Anne Dennish~

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