“The Last Sunday of 2019”

It’s the last Sunday of the decade. Can you believe it? It’s not only the end of the year, but the beginning of a new decade and you’re here to be a part of it. You’re gifted another day to witness it. You’re blessed to have a choice to make it the best year yet.

But why wait? You’re here to be an important part of everyday. You’re gifted another day to be present in it. You’re blessed to have a choice to make every year and every day the best.

Enjoy the last Sunday of the decade. Reflect back on the year that is about to end and set your intentions for the year about to begin. Take those “revelations” of 2019, those life lessons, and use them to set positive intentions for 2020.

I believe that 2020 will be the year of clear and perfect vision, a year in which we’ll be able to see things clearly for what they are and what they aren’t.

You deserve to live an amazing life. Don’t settle for less.

You’re here for a reason. You’re here for a purpose. You’re here to be present.

Embrace this last Sunday of 2019.

It’s a good thing.

Wishing you love and light,

~Anne Dennish~


Photo by Anne Dennish 2019



“The Stepping Stones Into 2020”

It seems to me that the year of 2019 has been a rough one for so many. I’ve heard more people talk about all the negative things that have happened to them. Most people are grateful that the year is almost over. In a way, I am too, but for different reasons.

I’m excited for the New Year that is fast approaching. It’s a new beginning, a new month and a new year.

And I agree, 2019 has been a difficult year filled with more ups and downs than I would 2019_is_the_stepping_stone_1have liked, yet I believe that it’s been a “stepping stone” to get us all to 2020.

All those ups and downs we’ve experienced have been teaching us valuable life lessons, opened our eyes to see the truth around us, and given us reason to think about what we really want and don’t want in our life.

We’ve managed to survive so far through this crazy year of 2019 that’s almost over, so let’s give it a proper send off, shall we?

“Thank you, 2019, for being a stepping stone for 2020, a year that will put the past behind me and allow me to step into an amazing present, one filled with endless possibilities for my future. Thank you, 2019, for all that you taught me. I’m forever grateful because the lessons you taught me are going to help me to live my best life and live the life that I deserve.”

And it’s a good thing.

Wishing you love and light,

~Anne Dennish~


“Each Breath Along The Journey” Is Released!

Happy December 1st! It’s the perfect day to officially announce to you that my new book, “Each Breath Along The Journey” has been released and is available for online purchase on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

I’m so excited about this new book and I hope that all of you who read it will be, too! book launch cover 1

“Each Breath Along The Journey” is a collection of short stories based on the personal experiences of the writer and how she survived them.

This book is filled with the life lessons that the author has learned throughout her life, from her divorce and being on her own to raise five children to surviving breast cancer. Some stories will make you cry and some will make you laugh, yet you’ll know that you’re not alone in this world.”

Buy it for yourself or give it as a gift. It’s the perfect time of year to share a book that’s positive, inspirational and motivational for everyone. 

The last month of the year is here so let’s take it out in style…together! It’s time to start “living your best life!”

It’s a good thing.

Wishing you love and light,

~Anne Dennish~



“The Loss Of A Dream’

There’s a moment in my life that I will never forget. I was in my attorney’s office years ago going through my divorce. I was emotional and told her that it was so sad to me that the marriage was ending. What she said to me has stayed in my mind ever since:

“Yes, the marriage is ending, but you’re grieving the loss of a dream.”

And that was the best explanation I’ve ever heard… because she was right.

Every loss in life is a “grief of the loss of a dream.”

It could be the loss of the dream of losing someone we thought would be in our life forever, of losing a pet, of losing the job we love, of losing something important to us on our “bucket list.”

We all have dreams.

And when those dreams don’t come true we have to grieve the loss of them.

But please remember this: there WILL be dreams that come true.

I promise.

And it’s a good thing.

Wishing you love and light,

~Anne Dennish~


“I’m A 5 Year Breast Cancer Survivor!”

The day is finally here: I’m a 5 year breast cancer survivor and I couldn’t be more grateful or feel more blessed!5 year cake

I’m grateful for having survived it, grateful for what it taught me, and grateful that it was a part of my life journey that brought me to where I am now!

I’m grateful for the amazing people that came into my life because of it and even grateful for the people who left because of it. Life is always better when you surround yourself with the right people…and I’ve got a wonderful tribe surrounding me!

And I just have to say it one more time: “I’m a 5 year breast cancer survivor today!”

And it’s a very good thing!

Wishing you love and light,

~Anne Dennish~

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“You’re Doing Just Fine”

The end of the day is nearing and as I get ready to take a long hot bath, unwind and head to bed I have to wonder…did I do everything I wanted to do today?

My answer would be “no,” but I did the best I could.

Did you take care of yourself enough today?

Did you find some time to breathe and just “be?”

Did you get all the things on your “to do” list checked off today?

Did you have the kind of day you wanted to have?

No? I didn’t either, but you know what? I did the best I could today and that’s all I could ask for. Tomorrow is another day.

So was it a bad day because I didn’t accomplish all I wanted to?


It was a good day even though I didn’t do all that I wanted to.

And you know why?

Because it was another day to live, to breathe, to love, to laugh.

And at the end of this day, just like every other day, I did the best I could.

Relax, my friends, tomorrow is another day.

And remember, you’re doing just fine.

We’re all doing just fine.

And it’s a good thing.

Wishing you love and light,

~Anne Dennish~

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“And So It Begins…”

Today is the first day of another dream coming true: it’s the first day of writing my next book! And I can’t wait to get started and spend my days writing and editing until that very last page is written…it’s a process I absolutely love and one I’ve waited too long to get back into.
I spent the weekend organizing hundreds of index cards with notes on them about stories to be written, went through a few notebooks of thoughts written randomly throughout the pages, and cleared my space to focus on my writing. I could have started writing over the weekend but I wanted to wait until I had everything in place…and it’s in place now.
Writing is like breathing to me; it’s something I have to be doing or else I feel lost.
Writing is my passion and brings me so much joy; a day without writing feels a bit sad to me.
And writing is my life purpose, or should I say, “what” I write is my life purpose.
So here I go, my friends, onto the next adventure, the next book, the next chapter in my life, the next dream I want to become a reality.
Ready, set, go!
And so it begins…
And it’s a good thing! 
Wishing you love and light,
~Anne Dennish~

“Listen To How They Treat You”

the way a person treats you

“There’s a message in the way a person treats you…just listen.”

It’s the saying I absolutely believe in: “actions speak louder than words.”

All those loving, positive words you speak to someone are only truthful when the actions back them up.

All those negative, hurtful words you speak to someone are truth. It’s how someone honestly feels about you because when you truly love someone you wouldn’t say things you know that would hurt them. And trust me, those words will stay with them for a lifetime.

If you really love someone, be it your significant other, friend, family or child, why would you say something hurtful to them? You can’t take those words back and if you said them you must have meant them. And if you didn’t mean them then why did you say them? Just to hurt them because you can? To push them away? Or maybe you use those words to put them in their place as a way to control them.

Think about why you say things to hurt someone you love. No human being has the right to hurt another, especially someone who loves you. It could be that you don’t really love them, that you don’t understand love, or that love is nothing more than a matter of convenience to you. And know this: each time you say hurtful words to someone you love you bruise their heart and that heart begins to shut down little by little.

We’re all human and none of us are perfect. We get annoyed sometimes, we get angry, we get cranky…that’s okay, we all have moments like that, but it’s NOT okay to hurt someone you love. It’s NOT okay to make them feel like your bad mood is their fault because it’s not, it’s yours. And it’s NOT okay to think you have the right to say hurtful words to someone because you want to.

We have choices in all areas of our life, especially in our relationships. You have a choice of which words you use, you have a choice in the tone of your voice when you say them, and you have a choice to talk things through calmly with the one you love instead of being mean and hurtful.

And you have a choice to walk away.

You have a bad day? Work getting to you? Are you unhappy? Did someone make you angry or hurt your feelings?

We all rough days now and then, but understand that it’s not fair or right to take YOUR rough day out on another.

Think about what you’re feeling and why…

Don’t take it out on someone who loves you…

Don’t bruise the heart of someone who truly loves you..

And remember that their feelings are just as important as yours…

Be kind or be quiet.

It’s a good thing.

Wishing you love and light,

~Anne Dennish~

“Put It Down And Shut It Off”

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In this day and age most everyone has a cell phone, a social media page, and a computer. Let’s face it, it’s the way the world is today. We search, we follow, we like, we comment…it’s all part of the technology we live in. In fact, most of us are lost without it.

And yes, I have a cell phone, social media pages and a laptop…my career revolves around them, yet I know the appropriate times to use them all and when it’s time to turn them off.

And the time to turn them off is when I’m having human interaction, when the ones I love are with me. I know my time with the people I love is precious and not promised. I guess you could say that the time of social media, the internet and cell phones ARE promised…as long as you pay the bill!

Yet our lives are not promised. We all know how precious a human life is and it frustrates me beyond belief that some people don’t get that. Well, they say they get that until they’re on the phone.

I feel unimportant when someone, be it my significant other, family, child or friend is in my presence and on the phone checking social media. It’s one thing if it’s work but it’s another when it’s pleasure. I feel hurt at thinking that I’m not as important to them as their social media, phone or computer. Let’s face it, we can check our social media anytime we want…posts and comments are there forever. I’m not. No one is.

Most people don’t even realize how long they’re looking at their social media because they go into this “hyper-focus” mode. They lose track of time and more importantly, they lose sight of the person sitting with them. They forget what’s important to them, then again, maybe the “likes, comments and views” of others on social media are more important to them than the “likes, comments or views” of the person that they’re with.

My belief is that if you can sit on your phone, internet or social media that long while I’m there, well, you’ve let me know what’s more important…and it’s not me.

And please remember this: that time you spend on social media, the phone or the computer while the ones you love are with you is time that you can’t get back. Would you rather spend 15 minutes on the internet or 15 minutes with someone important to you?

Life is short, the internet is long…you decide what and who is more important.

Think about that.

Put down the cell phone and turn off the electronics when you’re with the people you love.

It’s a good thing.

Wishing you love and light,

~Anne Dennish~

“That’s What Love Does”

We don’t always understand why someone we love and care about is upset or sad, but we can try.

That’s what love does.

Love listens, it tries to understand, it wraps its’ arms around you to make you feel safe, and it allows you to be who you are.

Love doesn’t criticize you but complement’s you.

Love doesn’t judge you but embraces your flaws.

Love helps to heal you but doesn’t try to hurt you.

True, honest, unconditional love can do some amazing things.

And it’s time that we all share that love with the people we love…

“Shower the people you love with love, show them the way that you feel.”

Because that’s what love does.

And it’s a good thing.

Wishing you love and light,

~Anne Dennish~

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