“Show Me Your Soul”

The older I get, the better choices I make in who I allow into my tribe.

It’s true…so many people wear a mask and none of us ever know who someone really is until a situation occurs in which they show their true colors.

I want to surround myself with people who aren’t afraid to be who they are. I don’t want to spend my precious time with people who wear a mask just to be someone they’re not; with people who tell me what I want to hear instead of telling me the truth; with people who place more value on the attention they receive rather than the attention they give to others.

I want to surround myself with people who are true blue, who let the person they are shine through; with people who aren’t afraid to show me their flaws; with people who speak their truth to themselves and to others.

I want to see the heart and soul of another.

I want to see who they are.

I want to see their truth.

It’s only when we can see the heart and soul of another that we can see the truth of who someone truly is.

And it’s a good thing.

Wishing you love and light,

~Anne Dennish~

see a soul



“Standing In Your Truth”

“Standing in your truth…” it’s not for the weak of heart.

I learn more and more ever day that standing in my truth isn’t always the easiest thing to do. Sometimes you gain friends and sometimes you lose them, yet the Universe will always see that things happen as they should.

“Standing in your truth” requires you to be honest with yourself; to know who you are, say what you feel, and accept all that you are. We’re all a “work in progress,” learning lessons through experiences and situations, and it’s all those lessons that teach us to be a better person; to understand why we react as we do; to allow us the vision to see where change may be needed.

Your “voice” is the most powerful tool you’ve been gifted when “standing in your truth.” It’s your voice that holds the words of your truth; that expresses the tone of your feelings; and it’s that voice that can change the world.

Truth isn’t negative or mean, hurtful or vindictive; truth is the loyalty of honesty to yourself and others.

Yes, there are times that your truth can hurt another person, but in the end, the truth is who you are, and their truth reveals who they are as well.

This is how we learn about people and ourselves. This is how we know when it’s time to let someone go. This is how we see the true colors of people and situations…and a concept as simple as “truth” is our gift, our teacher.

We’ve all been hurt by someone at times throughout our life, yet that pain taught us valuable lessons that made us a better and stronger person. I would much rather be hurt with the truth than deceived by a lie.

The Universe has taught me a few tough lessons in the last two days, and while I’m still a bit upset by them, I feel a peace at knowing that this new change is for my Highest Good, and I have to believe that it is for the other person involved. My choice is to learn from it; their choice is to learn or live in anger.

I’ve never seen anything good happen with negative emotions or behaviors. We attract what we put out there.

“Stand in your truth” with strength, kindness and compassion, because anything less will bring nothing more to you.

Wishing you love and light,

~Anne Dennish~
