“A To-Do List For YOU!”

I woke up this morning with gratitude for another day. I made my first cup of coffee and sat on my front porch to watch the sunrise. It was peaceful and as I was sitting there watching the burnt orange skies of the sunrise, I was writing my “to-do list” for the day. In fact, I write a list everyday! The truth is, I have many of those lists cluttering my desk, yet not one of them is ever completely checked off as “DONE!”

I began to think about “why” the list doesn’t get done. Some days I’m tired or my allergies have gotten the best of me. Some days I lack the motivation and energy to get those things done. Some days I allow  situations that aren’t my problem or concern to distract me.

And I made a decision that there will be no more of that nonsense!

This morning a new idea was born in this already over-crowded mind of mine: “What about making a to-do list for ME?” Why not make a list of things I want to do or need to do to stay focused and balanced, to feel healthier, and to have  more energy to accomplish the tasks on the other list?

So,  today, instead of writing yet another “to-do list” filled with tasks such as “make a doctors appointment, go to the post office, run to the food store, reschedule the dentist,” I wrote a “to-do list” for me and I think it’s a good thing for all of us to do.

Write a list of things that are just for YOU! It could begin with morning coffee and meditation, a 20 minute daily walk, yoga, healthier eating, or changing habits that don’t enable you to live your best life. 

Life gets busy and we may find ourselves distracted by outside influences that are not our concern. We lose sight of taking care of ourselves. I know that in order to accomplish anything in my life, let alone my day, I need to feel whole, healthy, focused and balanced. I’m sure many of you feel the same.

I’m starting my Monday morning in a different way today. I’m starting it with a “to-do list” for me. 

What’s on YOUR “to-do list?”

Let’s see what YOU need to do for yourself to live your best life.

It’s a good thing.

Wishing you love and light,

~Anne Dennish~



“The Tired Soul”

My soul is tired. Actually, it’s exhausted.

And it’s drained, bumped and bruised.

The truth of the matter is that my soul needs some deep healing and a whole bunch of kindness.

Kindness, compassion, respect and unconditional love are natural healers. They soothe the soul, calm the nerves and allow the healing waters of tears to flow. They’re a natural way to release the negative things that have broken your soul, a way to help you to let things go and move forward, and a reminder of the strength you thought you lost.

So how do you begin to heal your soul?

Be kind to others.

Surround yourself with others that are kind to you.

And remember to be kind to yourself.

It’s a good thing.

Wishing you love and light,

~Anne Dennish~

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“Distance Yourself From Negativity”

If it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it.

If it doesn’t sound right, don’t listen.

If it makes you feel uneasy, trust your gut.

If it doens’t make you feel good, then walk away.

If it doesn’t bring out the best in you, then leave it behind.

Beautiful things happen when we distance ourselves from negative people and situations; trust your intuition to guide you towards the positive.

Wishing you love and light,

~Anne Dennish~

“Go With The Flow”

My apologies to all of you for my page having been so quiet, but life has a way of sneaking up on us and slowing us down…and that’s what happened to me in the last few weeks.

I had a few trips to the ER for a swollen Achilles tendon which put me on crutches and strict instructions to stay off my feet for a week or two. That was tough, I’ll admit, to have to sit with my foot elevated, watching mindless television day in and day out. I didn’t last a week or two, but a few days in my foot was feeling better.

Next was a beautiful family wedding on the beach which lasted for the weekend. My foot was feeling good enough to throw on low heels and dance with my love all night. The next morning I would find myself with a few numb toes and it was off to the ER yet again. This time it was torn ligaments and again, instructions to stay off my foot as much as possible.

In the midst of all of this I was getting my youngest back to junior year of high school and my other son off to college. They didn’t need much help but as a mom, I wanted to be there when they left for the day and here when they got home.

I was frustrated, to say the least, at having to say “no” to certain situations which I knew would take a toll on my healing foot. I was mad at myself for not heeding the strict instructions from the doctor. And I was suffering from a long “writers block.”

And then I began to realize that this was a test of patience, of will, and of strength. It was the Universe telling me to slow down, and it was “life” teaching me that I need to remember to “go with the flow.”

All too often we want to control our life and all that happens within it, and while that is certainly true at times, that we DO have control over our life, sometimes our life takes control of US when we’re not paying enough attention to what’s best for us; what’s best for our Highest Good.

And that’s what happened to me.

My foot is feeling better, my writers block is unblocking, and the house seems to be back in balance again. It was a rough road, but once I realized why it was all happening, I began to relax and accept what was and what will be once I do.

Sometimes  life has to remind us to just “go with the flow.”

Wishing you love and light,

~Anne Dennish~

“My Voice Is In My Writing”

just for today

There’s so much in my heart right now and so many thoughts in my head. I want to talk to someone and let it all out, yet it seems lately that no one wants to listen. No one wants to hear my thoughts and feelings, no one wants to hear my truth. I need to ramble, to vent, to let it all out, yet it’s all tucked inside me and it’s driving me crazy.

Talking to someone is my way of figuring things out; what I’m feeling, what I’m thinking and why. Talking helps me to get it out and hear it in a new perspective; talking to someone allows them to be a gift that I need at times: a different perspective or a voice of reason.

Yet no one is listening and I find myself literally drowning in my own thoughts, in my own heartache. I find myself feeling alone and unable to feel love or happiness. Losing two loved ones in a short amount of time last month had a profound affect on me. I always appreciate each new day that life has to offer, yet when a life is suddenly taken and you’re not ready for it and didn’t see it coming, it certainly changes you.

And it changed me.

I’m sure the changes are temporary, but lately I’m not sure…I’m not sure of anything. What I need most right now is a listening ear and someone who can allow me the time to heal, the time to figure this all out, and who can do it with love and compassion.

I’m a strong person and I’ve been through worse than this, but something is different this time and I can’t seem to put my finger on it. I’m a spiritual person who understands death and knows that all these emotions are simply things coming to the surface; that this was all meant to happen this way and at this time.

There’s a lesson coming from all of it and I know I can’t rush it along. I know I need to be patient and realize that this journey I’m on now is leading me to another chapter in my life, one that will be different and better.

I know  in my heart that it’s not just the loss of two loved ones that is causing this; it’s so much bigger than that and so much more.

I’m standing outside of myself as a spectator, observing all that is and isn’t in my life right now. I’m understanding that I have put so much time and effort in to loving those in my life that I forgot to love myself as well. And I know to my toes that in order for someone to love me the way I need to be loved, I have to love myself that way first.

One of the greatest blessings of being a writer is just this: that when my voice can’t be heard, it can be read in what I write. When no one wants to listen to me, someone may want to read about me. My words are my heart and soul, whether they’re spoken or written, yet I know they need to speak out loud.

But they can’t.

Not right now.

Not until someone thinks I’m worthy and important enough to listen to, and not until I know that I am.

Wishing you love and light,

~Anne Dennish~

balance my darling


“Take A Time-Out From Adulthood”

“Adulthood hurts.”

That was the topic of discussion over coffee this morning that my love and I shared a laugh over. We can both agree that sometimes being an “adult” is just too serious!

As adults we often forget what it’s like to be a child; we look at children with envy at how simple their lives are when they’re younger. And we begin to look at adulthood as boring.

But you know what? Adulthood is only boring and too serious if you let it be that way. No one says that adults can’t find their “inner child” and express it! In fact, I believe with all my heart that it’s healthy and absolutely necessary to be in touch with your “inner child,” to find the time to be free and be silly; to find some time to play, to make the time to have fun!

All too often we get caught up in the day, forgetting to take the time to “stop and smell the roses.” And we miss a lot of good stuff when we don’t take the time to see it or feel it. We miss out because we’re being “too serious” of an adult and not allowing our beautiful “inner child” to come out and play often enough.

Part of living a life in balance is allowing yourself to play and release that kid locked up inside of you! It’s healthy for your mind, body and spirit. Look how good you feel when you’ve had a good belly laugh, or played Frisbee with your kid, or swung a hula hoop around your waist! “Adult” coloring books are all the rage now…and why? Because you relive a memory of coloring as a child and find it fun and relaxing as an adult.

So, today, I’m asking you all to take a “time-out” from adulthood at least once a day. Trust me, your “inner child” is just waiting to come out and play!

Wishing you love and light,

~Anne Dennish~

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“Feeling Stuck?”

In the last few days, I have had some close friends of mine telling me that they’re feeling “stuck.” I understand the feeling, because I’ve been feeling it a bit, too. One person feels that they aren’t moving up fast enough in their job; another tells me they feel like their life is “as good as it gets.” As for me, I’m feeling as if life with “Waking Up” got too quiet after a fast and furious launch. Yet, there’s reasons we feel that way, and it isn’t the job, or the life, or the book… it’s “us.”

It’s that balance thing again and my most important belief: “that everything happens WHEN it’s supposed to and HOW it’s supposed to.” So, why does that make it about “us?” Because we’ve forgotten some important messages: Find your balance and learn the patience to TRUST and have FAITH that everything is coming together for us, and it absolutely will… when the time is right.

We feel stuck because we’re not doing, or having, or getting what we want at that moment. Yet, we have the ability to change that around, and it’s not always easy. If you can accept that maybe, just maybe, the Universe and your Higher Power have a different plan; that maybe this isn’t the time for a change in the job, or getting something you want. If you can change your perspective and thinking on feeling “stuck” to one of: I have faith in myself, and believe that all I want and deserve will come to me at the exact time it’s supposed to.

Sounds simple, but it takes some effort. And the effort is worth it.

None of us are truly stuck; we possess the greatest gift life has given us: “choice.” We have a choice to what we feel and how we handle things. I understand that “stuck” feeling, but I don’t stay in it long. The longer you feel that way, the more that feeling will “stick” to you. Don’t do it…please don’t do it.

So today I ask you to check your “balance,” and listen to your intuition. Why are you really feeling this way? It’s usually more than some outside force that makes you feel that we. Remember, you are in control of your feelings… no one else is. If you believe that someone made you feel sad or upset, the truth is that you let them.

Choose love, choose faith, choose patience, and watch how different your day will be. You’re not stuck, not ever…you’re simply waiting for the next adventure!

Wishing you love and light,

~Anne Dennish~


“Finding Your Balance”

Life is about balance, and the truth is, balance can sometimes be hard to find, yet it’s not impossible. You can find your balance in life if you pay attention to the signs that you’re NOT in balance.

I, too, find myself wondering why I’m feeling exhausted and unable to get anything on my “to do” list done; I wonder why things aren’t going as I had hoped or why my goals are taking too long to achieve.

I wonder why I’m feeling as though I’m in a fog, or why my mind keeps racing to places it shouldn’t go. And I wonder why all of this is happening…that is, until I stop, sit in silence outside, and meditate. I still my mind, hard as that may be sometimes, and take deep breaths.

And then I realize why I’m wondering and feeling all these “not so good” feelings: I’m out of balance.

I’m not getting enough sleep, I’m trying to do everything for everyone but myself, and I’m forgetting to love myself the way I love everyone else. Those are just a few reasons we find ourselves out of balance.

One of my favorite quotes from “Eat, Pray, Love” is this: “Balance, my darling, is not letting anybody love you less than you love yourself.” And that’s how we fall out of balance: we’re loving ourselves less.

So, what next? Get back on track, say “no” to situations or people that do not serve your Highest Good, make time for yourself, and most importantly: LOVE YOURSELF! Take a few moments each day and focus on yourself; envision a white light of love and joy surrounding you; and remember that just as you are kind and loving to others, you need to be that way with yourself.

You’ll find your balance when you find yourself.

Wishing you love and light,

~Anne Dennish~

balance eat pray love