“Twas The Morning Of Christmas”

‘Twas the morning of Christmas and all through our home

Everyone was sleeping and I was alone

With a hot cup of coffee and my pup at my feet,

I turned on my laptop and sat in my seat.

The kids were still snuggled and sleeping in bed

But visions of past Christmases danced in my head.

I remembered when they were younger and so very small

And waited for Santa and his reindeer to call.

Then all of a sudden I knew what was the matter

I was afraid the magic of Christmas had become shattered

‘Fore as we grow older we tend to forget

That Christmas is much more than the presents we get

It’s remembering the magic and beauty of the season

After all, Christmastime was born with a reason.

So I say to you all take a moment to remember

To believe in the magic in this month of December

It’s time to stop writing, I see children in sight,

Merry Christmas to all and to all love and light.

Merry Christmas!

Wishing you love and light,

~Anne Dennish~

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